In life, everybody has their own personality and preference. For the example, some people may like to eat durian but others may not due to the strong smell. So in last week's poll, we asked you about your preferences on the category of Internet Meme. The results are in and it is quite interesting.
Animal Meme received the highest number of vote as fifty percent of the respondents chose that option. Perhaps it is no that surprisingly that it got the highest because of the animal's characteristic. Animal tends to be very innocent and has that cute personality in them that always catches the attention of most human being. That is why some of us buy pets that are like that such as cat, hamster or rabbit.
Despite anime being a popular form of entertainment in the world, it did not dominate the poll as the Anime Meme only got twenty percent of the votes. The ability to create an animation is very attractive for teenagers and some adult as it can create out something that we do not usually see or happen in reality. From a 2-Dimensional animation like the classic cartoon series - Tom and Jerry to the more accomplished 3-Dimensional animation such as the Avatar movie, animation is always improving and fascinates all of us with the brilliant animation techniques.
Next is the Various Internet Meme where it shares the same amount of votes as the Anime Meme - twenty percent. Various Internet Meme is where people use different living things to present the Internet Meme. Example? Just look at our "Om Nom Nom Nom - Let's Eat Together" post. In that meme, the person is trying to use their imagination to take all sorts of picture that portrays different ways of eating like a cat eating a cactus or a machine eating a human when it is actually having a body checking.
The remaining ten percent of the respondents voted for the "Others" option. Others here could be Internet Meme that involves human beings doing funny or odd things like the "David After Dentist" Meme. Never heard of it? Do not worry, it will be coming soon. Lastly, Technology Meme did not receive any vote which is rather sad considering how advanced Technology is today.
So, it seems that most people chose Animal Meme as their favorite. What do you think of results? Other category should have more votes? Well, share your opinion here.
saqib · 412 weeks ago