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Malaysia Boleh!
So many Internet Memes around and yet there is none from our homeland, Malaysia. So what is Malaysia's internet phenomenon? Or is there any?
Here is one Meme that qualifies to be an Internet Phenomenon - at least in Malaysia. This Internet Meme is called, "Sudah Potong?" and it was made famous by Packet One Wimax Internet Service Provider. Sudah Potong is a Malay phrase which means, Have you cut already? It started out as an advertisement and their goal is to gain customers from their campaign but turns out, people find it hilarious and started using that phrase - Sudah Potong?

Why is this an Internet Meme? Besides the fact that everyone used that phrase every now and then, people on the Internet tease each other with that phrase.
Here's one example of a scenario on MSN:-
(Please be warned that the following conversation is Manglish [Malay-English], do excuse us for our English proposition here)
Person A: I want to cut my hair tomorrow. Wanna join me?
Person B: Cut? Cut for what lah... Jangan potong!
That is one example how people use this "Sudah Potong" phrase on their normal basis while chatting with their friends. Although this may not be as popular as other Internet Memes, to some Malaysian, it has become a normal thing for them to say. In other words, so normal, it became a culture among Malaysians.
However, it raised some sexist issue regarding these advertisements by P1 Wimax and the effect on people. In the Malay culture, it is a tradition for a Malay boy from the age of seven to twelve to perform a circumcision ceremony and it is usually done by someone from the boy's village that specializes in performing circumcision ceremonies.
But in cities, it can be done at hospitals. In the female perspective and society, they found it offensive because it was somewhat describing the male-circumcision-ceremony.
According to the Star Online, the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Wanita chief, Alice Lee said, "It was done in very bad taste and is filled with sexual innuendo". And another blogger said, "It is vulgar and its suggestive remarks set a trap for the audience to make the negative association.
So, what do you think about this issue? Did P1 Wimax just dug their own grave or it does not really matter since P1 Wimax goal wasn't to raise sensitive issue but to create a commercial?
However, at the end of the day, some Malaysian just use that phrase for the fun of it, not really to insult, right?
1. Malay, Countries and Their Cultures [Online], Retrieved on 6th February 2010.
2. zedeck, Wanita MCA thinks "Sudah Potong" is sexist; Malacca sentences tourist to prison (if they want to); drunk robbers use marker-pen disguises, KLue [Online], Retrieved on 6th February 2010.
3. Group want suggestive ads snipped, The Star Online [Online], Retrieved on 6th February 2010.
Malaysia Boleh!
So many Internet Memes around and yet there is none from our homeland, Malaysia. So what is Malaysia's internet phenomenon? Or is there any?
Here is one Meme that qualifies to be an Internet Phenomenon - at least in Malaysia. This Internet Meme is called, "Sudah Potong?" and it was made famous by Packet One Wimax Internet Service Provider. Sudah Potong is a Malay phrase which means, Have you cut already? It started out as an advertisement and their goal is to gain customers from their campaign but turns out, people find it hilarious and started using that phrase - Sudah Potong?
Advertising war! in Malaysia!, Customer Service & Marketing in Malaysia Wordpress [Image Online], Retrieved 6 February 2010.
P1wimax, Sudah Potong? Radio Ad [English Version], YouTube [Online], Retrieved 6 February 2010.
Why is this an Internet Meme? Besides the fact that everyone used that phrase every now and then, people on the Internet tease each other with that phrase.
Here's one example of a scenario on MSN:-
(Please be warned that the following conversation is Manglish [Malay-English], do excuse us for our English proposition here)
Person A: I want to cut my hair tomorrow. Wanna join me?
Person B: Cut? Cut for what lah... Jangan potong!
That is one example how people use this "Sudah Potong" phrase on their normal basis while chatting with their friends. Although this may not be as popular as other Internet Memes, to some Malaysian, it has become a normal thing for them to say. In other words, so normal, it became a culture among Malaysians.
However, it raised some sexist issue regarding these advertisements by P1 Wimax and the effect on people. In the Malay culture, it is a tradition for a Malay boy from the age of seven to twelve to perform a circumcision ceremony and it is usually done by someone from the boy's village that specializes in performing circumcision ceremonies.
But in cities, it can be done at hospitals. In the female perspective and society, they found it offensive because it was somewhat describing the male-circumcision-ceremony.
According to the Star Online, the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Wanita chief, Alice Lee said, "It was done in very bad taste and is filled with sexual innuendo". And another blogger said, "It is vulgar and its suggestive remarks set a trap for the audience to make the negative association.
So, what do you think about this issue? Did P1 Wimax just dug their own grave or it does not really matter since P1 Wimax goal wasn't to raise sensitive issue but to create a commercial?
However, at the end of the day, some Malaysian just use that phrase for the fun of it, not really to insult, right?
1. Malay, Countries and Their Cultures [Online], Retrieved on 6th February 2010.
2. zedeck, Wanita MCA thinks "Sudah Potong" is sexist; Malacca sentences tourist to prison (if they want to); drunk robbers use marker-pen disguises, KLue [Online], Retrieved on 6th February 2010.
3. Group want suggestive ads snipped, The Star Online [Online], Retrieved on 6th February 2010.