Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weekly Poll Result 2 - Image/Video Dominated

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When you are watching television/video or looking at an image, what catches your attention most? The image, video, the caption or sub titles? Most likely it will be the image or video because human beings tend to pay more attention to graphics than text. And that was reflected in the result of our last week's poll where we asked the respondents - "What do you like about an Internet Meme?".

The result shows that fifty-eight percent of the respondents preferred the image or video more in an Internet Meme. This could be due to the fact that they have seen or came across hilarious or funny images or videos recently. And we are pretty sure that some of the Internet Meme like the Oolong the Rabbit or Om Nom Nom Nom have played a part in this result.

Unfortunately, most of the respondents disliked Internet Meme as twenty one percent of them chose that option. Judging from that result, it shows that they perhaps have no interests in Internet Meme or they could have gone through the Internet Meme but none of it "succeeded" in attracting the voters.

The next result is a little more encouraging as fourteen percent of the respondents like the caption in an Internet Meme. When someone likes the caption more than the images or videos, it could be because the words phrasing are hilarious or maybe the caption is just too catchy for the voters to avoid laughing at it.

Finally, the remaining seven percent of the respondents chose the option "Both". In other words, they like both the images or videos and caption. A great combination of a funny image or video with a good caption will certainly catch the attention of Internet users and make them laugh all the way. The Lolcats Internet Meme is a good example of this.

In the end, we can conclude that most of the respondents like Internet Meme particularly the image or video but what about those that dislike Internet Meme? We would you like to hear your opinion on this. And what do you think of this week's poll result? Do share your opinion with us.
